Behavior Expectations
- Respect:I respect others,rules and school authority.
Responsibility:I take responsibility for my actions.
- Appreciation of Differences:I respect reach personʼs right to be different.
- Honesty: I am honest with myself and others.
In The Classroom
- I follow the class rules. treat others fairly.
Iʼm a good role model for my peers.
I turn in neat and complete work.
I demonstrate self control.
I do my own work. I act with integrity.
We learn and grow from others.
We share in the success of of others.
We acknowledge and appreciate differences.
On The School Yard
- I play by the rules.
- I follow directions the first time given by school authority.
- I will share and take turns.
I stay in my play area.
I share the play equipment with others.
I line up when the bell rings.
Include everyone in recess games.
Respect differences in ability.
I will play by the rules.
I will tell the truth when asked.
Lunch Garden
I clean up my own mess
I keep my hands to myself.
I use a quiet voice.
I patiently wait in line.
I keep my voice low.
I clean up after myself.
We donʼt tease others about their food.
Donʼt exclude others from table.
I will not cut or let others cut in line.
I will not take what does not belong to me.
- I will not destroy or vandalize school property.
- I will listen and follow direction the first time given.
- I walk throughout the school (office, library, restroom and cafeteria.)
- I use things as they are meant to be used.
- I will avoid spreading rumors or gossip.
- I will not steal, lie, cheat or let others do it.