Parents » Councils and Committees

Councils and Committees

Councils and Committees


Now is your chance to get involved with our school committees. Learn about each group by attending the orientation or first meeting of the SSCELAC, and LSLC.

Click or tap a Council or Committee name at the right for a description of that group.

We invite you to get involved!



School Data 2017-18

ELPAC Resources

The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is here!  

¡Las Pruebas de Suficiencia en el Idioma Inglés de California (ELPAC) ha llegado! Aquí hay recursos para padres.


CDE Website on ELPAC / sitio del CDE sobre el ELPAC


ELPAC Practice Tests / Examen de práctica



ELAC Criteria Chart
Criterio de Reclasificacion