Student & Family Wellness
This page is updated by Ms. Delgado, PSW at Alexander Science.
Resources / Recursos
Emergency Renter RElief
LAUSD FAmily Support Lines
The LA Unified Wellness Hotline is available to students, families, during regular school days. The hotline provides support with mental health; accessing food, health insurance, Suicide Prevention and other basic needs; school enrollment; and immunizations.
Monday - Friday 8am-4pm
Call (213)241-3840
The Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation LIne is available to families, during regular school days. The hotline provides: information to help nurture the healthy development of children birth-5 years old, referrals to community resources and other services, and parent support during distance learning.
Monday - Friday 8am-5pm
Call (213) 443-0165
PSA Support for Alexander Atoms
Our Pupil Service counselor, Ms. Gonzalez is available to provide attendance resources, mental health, and social-emotional support for our students and Alexander Atom families. Please email me at [email protected] to schedule a wellness check-in!